
The availability in real time of GNSS satellites orbits, clock corrections and code and phase biases provided the possibility of application of Real Time Precise Point Positioning (RTPPP). This paper presents the methodology concerning RTPPP and application to kinematic trajectories of airplane flight tests, but without using the carrier phase bias. So, it is PPP float solution. It requires RT positioning estimation, task that most of time presents certain difficulties due to loss of communication or of satellites during maneuvers of the airplane. However, if the corrections become unavailable for a certain period of time, the system starts using the ultra-rapid IGS orbits. The experiments were accomplished taking into account a case simulating RT and another in fact RT, but storing data and corrections for post processing. The PPP solutions obtained either simulating RT or in RT were compared against the PPP post processed solution that uses the final clock and orbit corrections. Then, statistics were generated to analyze the quality of both results. They were applied to kinematic trajectory that on average was 360 km/h, reaching about 600 km/h. The results provided accuracy better than the requisites for such cases which is of about 80 cm in height.


  • GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) is a technology that provided positive impact in the field of positioning and navigation, among others applications

  • The advances were about precise point positioning (PPP) ambiguity resolution (PPP-AR), called PPP-RTK

  • Stat of art about PPP can be found at Odijk (2017). There are all these advances in the PPP-AR, this paper will be based on the original PPP, where the ambiguities are not fixed as integer and the basic observable is the Ionospheric free and all well-known errors and effects are appropriated treated

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GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) is a technology that provided positive impact in the field of positioning and navigation, among others applications. On the other hand, Khodabandeh and Teunissen (2015) as well as Teunissen and Khodabandeh (2015) stated that these methods differ in the models used, in the corrections applied and/or in the estimation methods employed They state that some comparative studies between some of these different PPP-RTK methods already exist, they have not been sufficiently conclusive. There are all these advances in the PPP-AR, this paper will be based on the original PPP, where the ambiguities are not fixed as integer and the basic observable is the Ionospheric free (iono-free) and all well-known errors and effects are appropriated treated It will be applied for a very challenge application: flight tests scenarios, where the aircraft dynamics are very intense. Some final comments and conclusions will be presented

PPP and Real Time PPP fundamentals
The in-house RT-PPP software
Results and Analyses
Kinematic PPP for data collected in the flight test
Real time PPP for flight test
Final Comments and Conclusions
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