
Considering the water utilization and conservation needs in agriculture it would be essential to have very accurate water irrigation schedule to save water. Appropriate bonding of water to the paddy field would be essential to meet the moisture demand unto 75% to reduce the risk of plant stress and yield loss. Data features such as Evapotranspiration; Permeability of the soil, Drainage, The length of the growing season, the levelness of the soil surface has to be considered to recommend the irrigation scheduling. In this paper we are developing a model which would base on Seasonal data and other data determine the water scheduling requirements for the day or week ahead. This would also help in planning the water needs well ahead. The research identifies delta and non-delta regions of TamilNadu to determine the evapotranspiration based on the climatic data available and discusses the architecture components required for the real time data acquisition and ingestion mechanism. It determines the ET0 and maps it with the FAO based reference model for the implementation.

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