
The optimization of the distribution system is one of the most important operations for running an efficient power system. At the distribution stage, a wide variety of development frameworks are achieved, including optimum reconfiguration, optimal positioning of distributed generators and capacitors, and synthesis of all. The proposed approach for distribution system reconfiguration in the study eliminates the use of various types of radial distribution system (RDS) equipment to improve performance. In benchmark test systems, such as IEEE 33 bus RDS and 83 bus Taiwan power distribution company, a flower pollination algorithm is employed to reduce real power losses on the overall system. For the recommended technique, a prototype model of the distribution system for real-time implementation is also employed in the distribution network workstation. The proposed algorithm's performance reduces the search space, and the optimal solution is obtained with the least amount of running time. Abbreviations: RDS: radial distribution system; TPDC: Taiwan power distribution company; FPA: flower pollination algorithm; NFE: number of load flow executions; GA: genetic algorithm; RAG: refined genetic algorithm; ITS: improved TS algorithm; HSA: harmony search algorithm; COM: complementarity methods; SA: simulated annealing; PGSA: plant growth simulation algorithm; PTS1: proto type system 1; PTS2: proto type system 2; BM_TS1: benchmark test system 1; BM_TS2: benchmark test system 2

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