
This paper proposes a real-time hybrid simulation method that will allow complex systemsto be tested within the hybrid test framework by employing the convolution integral(CI) method. The proposed CI method is potentially transformative for real-timehybrid simulation. The CI method can allow real-time hybrid simulation to beconducted regardless of the size and complexity of the numerical model and fornumerical stability to be ensured in the presence of high frequency responses in thesimulation. This paper presents the general theory behind the proposed CI method andprovides experimental verification of the proposed method by comparing the CImethod to the current integration time-stepping (ITS) method. Real-time hybridsimulation is conducted in the Advanced Hazard Mitigation Laboratory at theUniversity of Connecticut. A seismically excited two-story shear frame buildingwith a magneto-rheological (MR) fluid damper is selected as the test structure toexperimentally validate the proposed method. The building structure is numericallymodeled and simulated, while the MR damper is physically tested. Real-time hybridsimulation using the proposed CI method is shown to provide accurate results.

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