
In agricultural land, there are lot of plants affected by number of diseases. Just like we can get sick, plants can get sick too and sometimes, the same type of things that make us sick can affect our green companions. A sick plant can even look under the weather. Its leaves may wilt or have holes in it. Early data on leaf well-being and sickness discovery can encourage the control of illnesses through legitimate administration techniques. If not treated, these plants may succumb to the disease and perish. Pathogens are any organism that makes plants ill, whether it be another animal such as an insect, or smaller organisms such as bacteria and viruses. Normally we have to check each and every plant to identify the plant disease. And we treat disease by various methods like MILK SPRAY, ELDER LEAF SPRAY, HORSERADISHSPRAY, BAKING SODA… etc. This proposed system solves these problems so that we can automatically detect plant diseases and can apply self-treatment. This paper presents a method for early detection of leaf diseases in plants based on some important features extracted from its leaf images. Here we use BEAGLE BONE BLACK DEVICE which stores healthy leaf images and compare it with current images which is called IMAGE PROCESSING. So after image processing, if the disease leaves are found, then it enables auto medicining. Medicine supply is enabled through Sprinkler or Drip irrigation method, climatic conditions. To avoid spreading the diseases, Temperature sensors and moisture sensors are used. These sensors control spreading diseases.

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