
Face is the representation of one’s identity. Hence, we have proposed an automated student attendance system based on face recognition. Face recognition system is very useful in life applications especially for attendance system. In our proposed approach, firstly, video framing is performed by activating the camera through a user-friendly interface. In the pre-processing stage, scaling of the size of images is performed, if necessary, in order to prevent loss of information. In face recognition stage, enhanced local binary pattern (LBP) and principal component analysis (PCA) is applied correspondingly in order to extract the features from facial images. Another way of marking the attendance is fingerprint recognition. To mark the attendance students simply have to give the fingerprint impression in fingerprint scanner module. Finally, the attendance of the recognized student will be marked and saved in the excel file. The student who is not registered will also be able to register on the spot and notification will be given if students sign in more than once. Whenever seminar is completed then a link is sent on email. It includes the information in terms of feedback. When student fills the feedback form then analysis of overall session is done.

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