
The mineral CaF2 is the archetype of the α fluorite structure and its high-pressure phase transition to γ cotunnite is an ideal test bed for exploring the effects of kinetics. The inter-disciplinary topic of the kinetics of dynamically driven phase transitions is at the forefront of condensed matter physics, both for its theoretical importance and its relevance to technological applications at extreme conditions of pressure and temperature. Here we probe the α → γ → α structural transformations taking place over the nanosecond timescale of a dynamic event, beginning-to-end: from the principal shock Hugoniot state, followed by a quasi-steady off-Hugoniot release state, and finally the unsteady return to near-ambient conditions. We present quantitative, atomic-scale data of the unfolding of the dynamically driven phase transition and its subsequent reversal close to the α/γ phase boundary. Dynamic loading with a two-stage gas gun is coupled with in situ time-resolved synchrotron X-ray diffraction and with continuum scale velocimetry at the Dynamic Compression Sector (DCS), Advanced Photon Source, Argonne National Laboratory. Our results demonstrate the time dependence of phase transitions and highlight the need for modeling of transition kinetics in dynamically driven processes.

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