
Recently, asthma patients are severely suffering COVID-19 disease, thus the asthma has become one of the dangerous diseases in the world. Further, asthma is occurring in all age groups, which causing huge loss to patient’s health. The primary way to detect the asthma in humans is done by their speech signals, as the asthma severity is increases, which manipulates the properties of speech signal. The conventional methods are failed to extract the maximum features from the speech signals, which resulted in low classification performance. Thus, this article is focused on implementation of real time asthma disease detection and identification technique from speech signals using Multi-Feature Extraction, Selection with Hybrid Classifiers (MFESHC). Initially, speech signals are preprocessed by using Maximum likelihood estimation based spread spectrum analysis (MLE-SSA) method. Then, Improved prefix Beam Search (IPBS) based natural language processing (NLP) method is used to extract and select the best features from the preprocessed speech signals. Then, hybrid dense convolutional neural networks (HDCNN) are used to classify the type of asthma such as normal, stridor, wheezes and rattle classes. Further, Modified Crow Search (MCS) is used to optimize the losses generated in the HDCNN model. The simulation results shows that the proposed MFESHC method resulted in superior performance as compared to state of art approaches because the MCS effectively reduced the losses in the model.

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