
Various technologies are being created to reduce accidents, which are rising rapidly in the modern day. Driver weariness or drowsiness is a significant factor in the occurrence of accidents. Drowsiness is detected using a variety of deep learning and image processing techniques. However, these techniques are pricey, and they might not work for those who wear glasses. This suggested solution employs an eye blink sensor to stop drowsiness-related accidents. This serves as an accident avoidance mechanism. The eye blink sensor-equipped goggles that the driver is required to wear include these features.To detect driver drowsiness, the goggles must be worn by the driver the entire time they are operating a vehicle and must blink for a few seconds. When the alarm system detects that the driver is dozing off, it will sound an alert until they open their eyes. Along with detecting drowsiness, the LDR sensor is used to control the high intensity of the headlights when two vehicles are approaching from opposite directions. Additionally, it helps to avoid accidents caused by blurry vision. When a driver snoozes more than five times, the GSM modem alerts the vehicle's owner. In this situation, the both owner and the driver could be alerted when the driver is drowsy.

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