
Let M be a compact, connected symplectic manifold with a Hamiltonian action of a compact n-dimensional torus T. Suppose that M is equipped with an anti-symplectic involution a compatible with the T-action. The real locus of M is the fixed point set M σ of σ. Duistermaat introduced real loci, and extended several theorems of symplectic geometry to real loci. In this paper, we extend another classical result of symplectic geometry to real loci: the Kirwan surjectivity theorem. In addition, we compute the kernel of the real Kirwan map. These results are direct consequences of techniques introduced by Tolman and Weitsman. In some examples, these results allow us to show that a symplectic reduction M//T has the same ordinary cohomology as its real locus (M//T) σred , with degrees halved. This extends Duistermaat's original result on real loci to a case in which there is not a natural Hamiltonian torus action.

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