AbstractWe investigate whether the observed zircon age distribution of continental crust (CC) is produced by real crustal growth episodes or is only an artifact of preservation. In connection with the second alternative of this question, other authors proposed that there was little episodicity in the production of new CC and that modeling corroborates this opinion. We conclude that a combination of the two answers might be possible. In matters of modeling, however, we ascertain that a dynamic modeling of the convection‐differentiation system of the mantle reveals the high probability of magmatic episodes. We solve the full set of balance equations in a 3‐D spherical‐shell mantle. The heat‐producing elements are redistributed by chemical differentiation. A realistic solidus model of mantle peridotite is essential for an applicable model. The solidus depends not only on depth but also on the volatile concentration. Furthermore, we introduced realistic profiles of Grüneisen parameter, viscosity, adiabatic temperature, thermal expansivity, and specific heat. Our model automatically produces lithospheric plates and growing continents. Regarding number, size, form, distribution, and surface velocity of the continents, no constraints have been prescribed. Regions of the input parameter space (Ra,σy,k,f3) that are favorable with respect to geophysical quantities show simultaneously not only episodicity of CC growth but also a reproduction of the observed zircon‐age maxima referring to the instants of time. We also obtain Archean events for ages greater than 3000 Ma that are not or scarcely visible in the observed zircon ages. Sinusoidal parts of the evolution curve of qob, Ur, and Ekin are superposed with a monotonous decrease. The volumetrically averaged mantle temperature, Tmean, however, decreases smoothly and slowly, nearly without pronounced variations. Therefore, we can dismiss catastrophic mechanisms that simultaneously incorporate the whole mantle.
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