
Abstract: Rise of Double Income families, aspiration to get elevated in careers across the genders, challenges of modern jobs, Time constraints, Diminishing Work Life Balance, lack of availability of affordable and quality service help like (maids, cooks etc.) are some of the major factors, inducing aspiring working population particularly in metro cities of India to adapt to the modern instant food alternatives. There is intense competition in Instant Food like Ready to Cook / Ready To Eat marketers. This promising area of convenient food catering is getting turbulent with introduction of new techniques and innovations. In the series of RTC and RTE, the new offerings by some of the competitors is H.T.E ie Heat To Eat Food alternatives. H.T.E is over simplification of Ready To Eat varieties. As novel and Modern ready to eat food techniques are at nascent stage, such option options seeking target audience is sceptical as well as curious about it. Modern Life Style is very complicated and energy sucking, do desperately need such convenience offerings for Mundane routines. Food is such domain, that is very essential but investing chunk of time in it on day to day basis and that to from Breakfast, Lunch, Snacks, Dinner intervals is considered as CRIMINAL WASTAGE of opportune time, in today’s ambitious career oriented age. Scepticism about taste, quality, content, preservatives etc is obvious but the Energy Saving Super Convenience and notion of Quality Time at disposal is also irresistible. This EXPLORATORY RESEARCH STUDY throws light on Perspectives and Concerns of representative working/employed members/ families pertaining to adaptability of Ready To Cook and Ready To Eat food in the market. Keywords: H.T.E: Heat To Eat Food, Ready To Eat food, Ready To Cook Food, Instant Food, Super Convenient Food

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