
In another manuscript1 the writer pre sented data concerning children's interest in the comics. Three hundred thirty-four boys and girls in grades IV, V, and VI of the Evanston, Illinois schools were interviewed. The investigation disclosed a genuine inter est in comic books, magazines, and strips in all grades. The average number of maga zines read was about thirteen; three were read regularly; an additional three were read often, and six were read occasionally. Read ing the comic strips was also a popular pur suit; an average of twenty-five comic strips were read. Of these, thirteen were read regularly and four were examined often. Finally, about sixty per cent of the pupils reported that they enjoyed making their own comics. These data attest unequivocally to a general interest in comics among middle grade children, and they suggest the validity of the statement that the comics represent children's major reading interest. The purpose of this investigation is to study the interests of children selected at random from 2500 public school youngsters on the same points as those covered by the preceding investigation. Children in grades IV, V, and VI of eight schools in Chicago and vicinity were interviewed. Samples of one hundred each were made at random by including the reports of every twentieth child in the first sample, and proportionate num bers in other samples. Eliminations and ad ditions were made until the samples were constituted in the manner shown in Table I. The samples showed remarkable agreement. Hence, it seemed that the method provided 1 See the preceding paper in this number of the Journal. Ed. Table I

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