
Part I: Frameworks on Reading More and Better. Hiebert, Martin, Opportunity to Read: A Critical but Neglected Construct in Reading Instruction. Allington, If They Don't Read Much...30 Years Later. McRae, Guthrie, Promoting Reasons for Reading: Teacher Practices That Impact Motivation. Part II: Instruction that Supports More and Better Reading. Cervetti, Jaynes, Hiebert, Increasing Opportunities to Acquire Knowledge through Reading. McGill-Franzen, Botzakis, Series Books, Graphic Novels, Comics, and Magazines: Unauthorized Texts, Authorized Literacy Practices. How Much and What Are Third Graders Reading? Brenner, Hiebert, Tompkins, Reading in Core Programs. Kuhn, Schwanenflugel, Time, Engagement, and Support: Lessons from a 4-Year Fluency Intervention. Part III: Critical Factors in Supporting More and Better Reading. Adams, The Challenge of Advanced Texts: The Interdependence of Reading and Learning. Bernhardt, Increasing Reading Opportunities for English Language Learners. Swanson, Wexler, Vaughn, Text Reading and Students with Learning Disabilities. Foorman, Text Difficulty in Reading Assessment. Part IV: Summary. Gambrell, Creating Opportunities to Read More So That Students Read Better.

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