
This article is devoted to the problem of the formation of foreign language competence of reading in pupils of secondary school. The general characteristics of competence in foreign language reading comprehension are given. The aims of its formation at school are defined. The components of reading comprehension competence are named: skills, habits, knowledge and communicative ability. Stages of reading comprehension competence formation are given.
 The article analyzes the problem of forming foreign language competence in reading. Properly formed foreign language competence in reading helps pupils to work with textbooks and other educational books, contributes to the expansion of the pupils’ scientific knowledge and to the skills formation of independent cognitive activity. The properly formed skills of foreign language competence in reading also allow learners to expand and deepen their knowledge.
 In this work it is shown that the formation of foreign language competence of reading involves the acquisition of knowledge by learners, the formation of skills and development of reading skills, as well as the improvement of psychophysiological mechanisms of reading. Moreover, in this article it is proved that the ability to read allows pupils to use literature in a foreign language to find information on the speciality and to improve the skills of oral speech.
 For solving the problems were used following methods, namely general scientific methods of theoretical and empirical research. In addition, methods of comparison and generalization of facts analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature were used at the stage of theoretical research.

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