
Teaching prose literature reading of any language is basically an essential tool on which language learning revolves. Therefore, teaching prose literature has a lot of responsibilities attached with it. It is the most important task in the hands of a teacher to achieve the possible outcome. Teaching prose literature enables the students to understand any literary text, to read fluently, to enrich their vocabulary, to enjoy reading and writing. It enables them to extend their knowledge of vocabulary structures and to become more proficient in the four language skills. It develops the ability of speaking English correctly and fluently.
 Teaching English prose literature is a major concern in our curriculum. It requires innovative measures in teaching prose and more active participation by students in teaching and learning experiences as well as feeling that both the teacher and the student in the classroom should make teaching and learning a more satisfying experience.
 This paper addresses reading strategies and technical aspects associated with it. The main objective of teaching prose literature and how to develop the language ability of the students of the English language departments at our universities, where it requires intensive study of the reading skill of the language which in turn helps the language ability of the students and to use the English language without any problem

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