
The article is devoted to the analysis of the state of readiness of heads of general secondary education institutions for innovative activities in the context of professional culture. The purpose of the study was to theoretically substantiate and experimentally test the state of readiness for innovation of heads of general secondary education institutions as part of professional culture. The hypothesis of the study was based on the premise that the readiness of GSEI leaders to implement innovative educational and management technologies is based on such a component of professional culture as continuous training in formal, non-formal and informal education. Objectives of the study: to analyze the state of readiness of the leaders of GSEI for innovation; experimentally prove the research hypothesis; identify the most important pedagogical conditions and make recommendations to increase the readiness of GSEI leaders to innovate at the level of GSEI. It was found that GSEI leaders have a sufficient and high level of readiness for innovation. The pedagogical conditions include the presence of positive motivation for professional development and self-development of GSEI leaders in the conditions of formal, non-formal and informal postgraduate education. The necessity of creation and implementation in each GSEI of the program and methods of development of readiness for innovative activity of pedagogical collective which would be directed on improvement of professional-pedagogical, scientific-methodical and administrative skill and self-educational activity of heads and teachers is proved. An important recommendation is to create a modern communicative environment in GSEI, in which the subject-subject interaction of the head with teachers in the system of «tutoring – coaching» will take place. We see the prospect of scientific research in the development of innovative technologies, forms and methods of professional development of leaders of GSEI in the context of globalization of education.

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