
The primary purpose of this paper is to describe efforts to promote effective dissemination and adoption of an evidence-based school improvement model that incorporates expanded school mental health practices. A systematic readiness and capacity assessment process was used to identify and select pilot schools and school districts for participation in the Ohio Community Collaboration Model for School Improvement (OCCMSI: Anderson-Butcher et al, 2004, in press). In this paper we describe efforts used to incorporate assessment of readiness into selection, training, and implementation of OCCMSI, an evidence-based school improvement initiative. Assessments were used to ensure that pilot sites were ‘ready’ for adoption of the initiative and to promote attention to readiness and capacity as an integral part of the aims of the intervention. Assessments were based on the A-VICTORY model (Davis & Salasin, 1975; Robbins et al, 2003). Results from each readiness assessment were used to inform delivery of training and...

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