
Wittig olefination at hetero-benzylic positions for electron-deficient and electron-rich heterocycles has been studied. The electronic effects of some commonly used protective groups associated with the N-heterocycles were also investigated for alkenes obtained in the context of the widely employed Wittig olefination reaction. It was observed that hetero-benzylic positions of the pyridine, thiophene and furan derivatives were stable after Wittig olefination. Similarly, electron-withdrawing groups (EWGs) attached to N-heterocycles (indole and pyrrole derivatives) directly enhanced the stability of the benzylic position during and after Wittig olefination, resulting in the formation of stable alkenes. Conversely, electron-donating group (EDG)-associated N-heterocycles boosted the reactivity of benzylic alkene, leading to lower yields or decomposition of the olefination products.

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