
Background and Objective: Reactive sulphydryl groups in haemoglobin has been related with oxygen binding. In this study, the researchers analyzed the reactive sulphydryl groups in horse (Equus ferus caballus) carbonmonoxyhaemoglobin. Materials and Methods: Hemolysate gotten from fresh horse blood was converted to yield the carbonmonoxy derivative. It was then separated via carboxymethylcellulose into major and minor fractions of haemoglobin. These fractions were titrated with Ellmanʼs reagent (DTNB) and p-hydroxymercuri(II)benzoate (p-MB) stock solutions in increasing volumes. Results: Results showed that two sulphydryl groups reacted with DTNB and p-MB in both major and minor haemoglobin fractions. p-MB is known to be more reactive with thiols than DTNB, on the other hand the reactivity is the same with horse carbonmonoxyhaemoglobin. Conclusion: This study will enable a better understanding as regards the kinetics and equilibrium behind this reaction.

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