
Abstract. In the Variscan lower–intermediate crust exposed in the Palmi area (southwestern Calabria, Italy), amphibolites occur as foliated, decimeter-thick layers within migmatitic paragneiss and as a decametric main body adjacent to the migmatites. The main body is mostly fine-grained and weakly to moderately foliated; unfoliated medium-grained portions rarely occur. Amphibolites are mainly composed of plagioclase (An80−91) frequently developing triple junctions, amphibole consisting of cummingtonite rimmed by hornblende and variable amounts of biotite. Minor quartz is present in amphibolite layers within paragneiss. Accessory allanite occurs in amphibolite layers within migmatites and in foliated, fine-grained portions from the main body. This study mainly aims to achieve information about the effects triggered by the migration of migmatite-related melts into associated mafic rocks and its role in the re-distribution of major and trace elements out of the anatectic source. On the basis of whole-rock major- and trace-element compositions, the protolith of amphibolite is recognized as of cumulus origin, likely derived from basic melt emplaced in the framework of the late-Variscan lithospheric extension. The rocks experienced high-temperature subsolidus re-equilibration (∼800 ∘C) in conjunction with the development of amphibole. The origin of amphibole is attributed to a coupled dissolution–precipitation process related to the reaction between migrating SiO2-rich hydrous melt and precursor orthopyroxene (± plagioclase). Reactive melt migration also caused the crystallization of biotite ± allanite ± quartz ± plagioclase. SiO2-rich hydrous melt had REE (rare earth element) compositions similar to late-Variscan peraluminous granites and could have been derived by partial melting of metasediments akin to neighboring migmatitic paragneisses. Both whole-rock and amphibole analyses reveal a decrease in Mg# (Mg/(Mg+Fe2+)) from amphibolite layers within paragneiss to fine- and medium-grained rocks of the main body. Hornblende shows an increase in SiO2 and a decrease in Al2O3 and K2O with increasing Mg#. Amphibolites interlayered with paragneiss have higher K2O, Rb, Ba, Th, U and Zr relative to those from the main body. Furthermore, amphibole from amphibolites interlayered with paragneiss is distinct for relatively high Rb, Ba, MREE (middle rare earth element) and HREE (heavy rare earth element) concentrations. Within the main body, foliated, fine-grained rock has both the whole rock and amphibole enriched in Rb and Ba and high Zr bulk-rock contents. Whole-rock and mineral chemistry heterogeneity most likely reflects (i) variation of the composition of the melt during its reactive migration, in response to dissolution of pre-existing minerals and crystallization of new phases, and (ii) variable modification of the original compositions. Foliated and fine-grained amphibolites record the strongest modification, thereby suggesting that they represent permeable pathway enabling effective interaction of the reacting melt with precursor minerals and nucleation of new mineral phases.

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