
The ‘in silico’ exploration of chemical, physical and biological systems requires accurate and efficient energy functions to follow their nuclear dynamics at a molecular and atomistic level. Recently, machine learning tools have gained a lot of attention in the field of molecular sciences and simulations and are increasingly used to investigate the dynamics of such systems. Among the various approaches, artificial neural networks (NNs) are one promising tool to learn a representation of potential energy surfaces. This is done by formulating the problem as a mapping from a set of atomic positions x and nuclear charges Zi to a potential energy V(x). Here, a fully-dimensional, reactive neural network representation for malonaldehyde (MA), acetoacetaldehyde (AAA) and acetylacetone (AcAc) is learned. It is used to run finite-temperature molecular dynamics simulations, and to determine the infrared spectra and the hydrogen transfer rates for the three molecules. The finite-temperature infrared spectrum for MA based on the NN learned on MP2 reference data provides a realistic representation of the low-frequency modes and the H-transfer band whereas the CH vibrations are somewhat too high in frequency. For AAA it is demonstrated that the IR spectroscopy is sensitive to the position of the transferring hydrogen at either the OCH- or OCCH3 end of the molecule. For the hydrogen transfer rates it is demonstrated that the O–O vibration (at ∼250 cm−1) is a gating mode and largely determines the rate at which the hydrogen is transferred between the donor and acceptor. Finally, possibilities to further improve such NN-based potential energy surfaces are explored. They include the transferability of an NN-learned energy function across chemical species (here methylation) and transfer learning from a lower level of reference data (MP2) to a higher level of theory (pair natural orbital-LCCSD(T)).


  • Rapid progress of computer technology has given science new opportunities

  • Possibilities to exploit chemical principles to reduce the number of required reference structures and that for quality improvement based on transfer learning49 (TL) are examined

  • To test the reproducibility of these results, an independent second neural networks (NNs) model was trained with a mean absolute error (MAE) and root mean squared error (RMSE) of 0.024 and 0.32 kcal/mol, respectively, close to the results for the first NN

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With the possibility to carry out simulations in the broadest sense, the conventional approach to research consisting of experimental and theoretical/mathematical methods has been considerably extended This is true for the molecular sciences for which realistic, atomically-resolved simulations have become possible in the past two decades. The most rigorous approach would be to recompute the total energy for every new configuration using electronic structure methods, i.e. solving the electronic Schrodinger equation at the highest level of theory and with the largest basis set that is computationally affordable This is impractical even for small systems due to a number of reasons, in particular if a statistically significant number of trajectories is required. Human intervention is required which is not desirable

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