
Experiments with invertebrates support the view that intracellular events subserving the consolidation phase of memory are preserved across evolution. Here, we investigate whether such evolutionary persistence extends to reconsolidation mechanisms, which have recently received special attention in vertebrate studies. For this purpose, the memory model of the crab Chasmagnathus is used. A visual danger stimulus (VDS) elicits crab escaping, which declines after a few stimulus presentations. The long-lasting retention of this decrement, called context-signal memory (CSM), is mediated by an association between contextual cues of the training site and the VDS. The present results show amnesia for CSM in crabs re-exposed at 24 hr (day 2) for 5 min to the learning context, 24 hr after training, and injected with one of two amnesic agents, then tested 24 hr later. Agents and timing were either 15 microg of cycloheximide given between 1 hr before and 4 hr after re-exposure or 1 microg/gm (+)-5-methyl-10,11-dihydro-5H-dibenzo[a,d]cyclohepten-5,10-imine given between 1 hr before and 2 hr after re-exposure. The amnesic effects are specific to behavior that occurs a long time after reactivation but not a short time after. No CSM deficit is produced by such agents when crabs are exposed to a context different from that of training. Findings are consistent with those reported for vertebrates, with both showing that reactivation induces a recapitulation of the postacquisition cascade of intracellular events. The agreement between results from such phylogenetically disparate animals suggests that evolution may have adopted a given molecular cascade as the preferred means of encoding experiences in the nervous system.

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