
Introduction: Standing leaf litter represent an essential source of organic matter and nutrients to dynamize biogeochemical processes at the ecosystem level. Objectives: To characterize the accumulation and decomposition of organic materials and flow of nutrients from standing litter in an urban dry tropical forest in a successional stage, after 10 years of abandonment of agricultural activities, and to determine the potential use of three species in future active restoration activities. Materials and methods: Standing litter samples were collected from a forest fragment in Santa Marta, Colombia, separating leaves, reproductive material, woody material and other residues. Additionally, leaves of three species of interest for ecological restoration (Albizia niopoides Spruce ex Benth., Cordia alba [Jacq.] Roem. & Schult. and Machaerium milleflorum Dugand G. A.) were separated and Ca, Mg, K, N and P concentrations were determined. Results and discussion: Total standing litter was 8.3 Mg∙ha-1 with a mean residence time of two years. The leaves represented 20% of the standing litter, with a mean residence time of 1.4 years. Based on the decomposition constant (kj = 0.73) and the rate of leaf litterfall, organic matter returns accounted for 3.4 Mg∙ha-1∙year-1. Leaf decomposition rate decreased in the following order C. alba > M. milleflorum > A. niopoides. P represented the greatest limitation with low release rates (0.1 to 1.2 kg∙ha-1∙year-1). Conclusions: The passive restoration strategy allowed reactivation of biogeochemical cycle via fine leaf litter. Cordia alba showed potential for inclusion in restoration activities, with lower values for leaf N/P ratio, and higher rates for leaf litterfall, litter decomposition and nutrient release.

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