
Ground-state NH(ND) and OH(OD) radicals as well as H(D) atoms were detected as products in the reaction of N(2D) with H2O(D2O). The nascent NH(v‘ ‘=1)/NH(v‘ ‘=0) population ratio is 0.3, while the OH(v‘ ‘=1)/OH(v‘ ‘=0) ratio is less than 0.05. The rotational state distributions of NH(v‘ ‘=0) and OH(v‘ ‘=0) can be characterized by Boltzmann distributions at 3000 and 2000 K, respectively. Similar results were obtained for ND and OD, and no large H/D isotope effect was observed in the energy distributions. Rotational excitation of not only NH(ND) but also OH(OD) suggests that these reactions are not direct but include complex formation processes. The average energy released into the translational mode in the production of H + HNO is 65 kJ mol-1, which corresponds to 45% of the available energy. That for the D + DNO channel was determined to be 47%.

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