
Iron plays a central role in oxidative injury, reportedly because it catalyzes superoxide- and hydrogen peroxide-dependent reactions yielding a powerful oxidant such as the hydroxyl radical. Iron is also thought to mediate the cardiotoxic and antitumour effects of adriamycin and related compounds. NADPH-supplemented microsomes reduce adriamycin to a semiquinone radical, which in turn re-oxidizes in the presence of oxygen to form superoxide and hence hydrogen peroxide. During this redox cycling membrane-bound nonheme iron undergoes superoxide dismutase- and catalase-insensitive reductive release. Membrane iron mobilization triggers lipid peroxidation, which is markedly enhanced by simultaneous addition of superoxide dismutase and catalase. The results indicate that: i) lipid peroxidation is mediated by the release of iron, yet the two reactions are governed by different mechanisms; and ii) oxygen radicals are not involved in or may actually inhibit adriamycin-induced lipid peroxidation. Microsomal iron delocalization and lipid peroxidation might represent oxyradical-independent mechanisms of adriamycin toxicity.

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