
Increased traffic combined with a lack of financial resources to reduce the resulting congestion is pushing many state departments of transportation to examine alternative financing and congestion mitigation techniques. The use of managed lanes (MLs) is one measure that addresses both issues at the same time. MLs are defined in this context as priced lanes on a freeway that also has toll-free lanes. MLs may have a considerable advantage over traditional toll roads in that in many cases it is politically impossible to institute tolls on an existing toll-free highway. Understanding the public's reaction to MLs is critical for their successful implementation. This paper reports the results of a survey of more than 4,600 travelers regarding their feelings toward, and the potential use of, MLs. This research reveals strong interest in the ML concept among residents of metropolitan regions in Texas. The potential ML users indicated that travel time savings and increased travel time reliability were the strongest contributors to their opinions. Current carpoolers identified the ability to drive alone as being more important than the ability to carpool. This indicated that additional incentives may need to be provided to carpoolers to prevent some from converting to single-occupant vehicles or that current carpoolers appreciated the flexibility to gain the same advantages in terms of lane use on those days that they have to drive alone. Respondents who currently pay tolls were more likely to express interest in using MLs. This coincides with tolls being named as the least desirable aspect of MLs among those individuals who were not interested in using them.

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