
The skeletal reaction to Class III intermaxillary magnetic mechanics was previously found to affect two target areas, the pterygomaxillary fissure (PMF) and the condylar cartilage. The objectives of this study were to analyze, radiographically and histologically, the response of these tissues to Class III intermaxillary functional orthopedic magnetic appliance (FOMA III), and to postulate possible models of their dichotomous biomechanism. Nine Macaca fascicularis monkeys received periodic administration of vital bone procion dye and were treated for 4 months with FOMA III (6 subjects) and sham appliance (3 subjects). The PMF (the target area of the midfacial complex) demonstrated a decreased skeletal reaction in inferosuperior and lateromedial directions. Cephalometrically, the lowermost PMF point was displaced inferiorly 1.98 +/- 1.74 mm and 0.42 +/- 0.38 mm and anteriorly 1.42 +/- 0.96 mm and 0.58 +/- 0.38 mm in the treated and control groups, respectively. The displacement of the uppermost PMF point, compared with the lowermost point, was three to five times lower. Histologically, two modes of response were found; first, a sutural response (disarticulation and osteogenesis) of the palatomaxillary and pterygopalatine sutures, which was distinctive of the lateral PMF aspect, and second, a dentosutural response, which was characteristic of the medial PMF aspect (bony microfractures between the third molar germ and the maxillary tuberosity in conjunction with mild sutural response). In the mandible, a discrepancy was found between the histologic and the cephalometric findings. Radiographically, mandibular length was unaffected after 4 months of treatment, and the distance condylion-pogonion was equally increased in the treated (0.75 +/- 0.78 mm) and the control animals (0.77 +/- 0.32 mm). Histologically, however, the condylar cartilage demonstrated increased osteoclastic activity at the zone of endochondral ossification and a decreased apposition rate at the adjacent bony trabeculae. Conceivably, the two target areas (PMF sutures versus condylar cartilage) demonstrate two diverse time-related responses that are either unrelated or interrelated to each other. An unrelated tissue response suggests that tissue stimulation (sutural) is always superior to tissue suppression (condylar). Another possible unrelated tissue reaction implies diverse response velocity (high sutural, low condylar). An interrelated mechanism suggests that an applied force will dissipate initially at the less resistant target area (sutures), and will subsequently affect the more resistant target area (condyle) once the sutural resistance exceeds a certain threshold. The fact that no pathologic change was found in the condylar cartilage encourages a long-term use of the FOMA III appliance, initiating treatment at an early skeletal age.

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