
The purpose of the research is to find out the reaction of soybean plants to seed inoculation under different irrigation regimes (humidity not lower than 80% MWC (minimum water capacity) in the layers 0,4 and 0,6 m, differentiated by stages of growth and development water regime at the level of 70-8070% MWC in the layers 0,4 and 0,6 m) in the Lower Volga region conditions. The object of the study is soybean crops of the Volgogradka 2 variety selected by the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Irrigated Agriculture (VNIIOZ). The experiment was conducted in 2021 and 2022 on the experimental field of VNIIOZ. Geostim Fit G produced by Biotechagro (Timashevsk, Krasnodar Territory) was used asan inoculant at a concentration of 5-10 l/ha. For foliar feeding biopreparations, natural mineral bilator and fungicide Kolosal Pro were used. Based on the data obtained, it was found that the maximum increase in productivity (132%) was obtained by seed inoculation before sowing in the variant with a soil moisture level of 80% MWC. With differentiated water treatment, the productivity was 129% compared to the untreated control. Of the agents used during the growing season to control pathogens, preference should be given to biopreparations. The volume of the harvested grain was maximum (3.87 t/ha) in the control variant with soil moisture of 80% MWC and the use of seed inoculation. The second result in terms of productivity showed the variant with the use of natural mineral bilator (3.38 t/ha), the minimum yield (2.86 t/ha) was recorded in the case of using the chemical agent Kolosal Pro. The calculation of economic efficiency showed the profitability of soybean crops treatment with biological preparations. The scientific novelty of the study is that in the course of its implementation for the first time for the conditions of the Lower Volga region the efficiency of soybean cultivation was determined taking into account the influence of several factors at once: soil water regime, seed pre-sowing treatment with inoculants, treatment of plants during vegetation to control pathogens.

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