
The extent to which vibrational energy transfer dynamics can impact reaction outcomes beyond the gas phase remains an active research question. Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations are the method of choice for investigating such questions; however, they can be extremely expensive, and therefore it is worth developing cheaper models that are capable of furnishing reasonable results. This paper has two primary aims. First, we investigate the competition between energy relaxation and reaction at ‘hotspots’ that form on the surface of diamond during the chemical vapour deposition process. To explore this, we developed an efficient reactive potential energy surface by fitting an empirical valence bond model to higher-level ab initio electronic structure theory. We then ran 160 000 NVE trajectories on a large slab of diamond, and the results are in reasonable agreement with experiment: they suggest that energy dissipation from surface hotspots is complete within a few hundred femtoseconds, but that a small fraction of CH3 does in fact undergo dissociation prior to the onset of thermal equilibrium. Second, we developed and tested a general procedure to formulate and solve the energy-grained master equation (EGME) for surface chemistry problems. The procedure we outline splits the diamond slab into system and bath components, and then evaluates microcanonical transition-state theory rate coefficients in the configuration space of the system atoms. Energy transfer from the system to the bath is estimated using linear response theory from a single long MD trajectory, and used to parametrize an energy transfer function which can be input into the EGME. Despite the number of approximations involved, the surface EGME results are in reasonable agreement with the NVE MD simulations, but considerably cheaper. The results are encouraging, because they offer a computationally tractable strategy for investigating non-equilibrium reaction dynamics at surfaces for a broader range of systems.This article is part of the themed issue ‘Theoretical and computational studies of non-equilibrium and non-statistical dynamics in the gas phase, in the condensed phase and at interfaces’.


  • It has been known for some time that the dynamics of vibrational energy flow can play a pivotal role in determining the rates and pathways of unimolecular and bimolecular reactions in the gas phase [1,2,3,4]

  • This paper focuses on the first two questions listed above—i.e. how well can statistical models describe reactivity at the gas–surface interface, and to what extent can we develop quantitative models of energy transfer? The energy transfer question is interesting given that recent advances in both experimental and computational methods have revealed a range of gas–surface reaction systems which appear to exhibit some degree of mode selectivity [16]

  • Our strategy for constructing an energy transfer model for surface reactions is straightforward: we have developed energy transfer functions which can be used within the EGME and which reasonably reproduce the time-dependent energy transfer profiles obtained in non-equilibrium molecular dynamics (MD) simulations

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It has been known for some time that the dynamics of vibrational energy flow can play a pivotal role in determining the rates and pathways of unimolecular and bimolecular reactions in the gas phase [1,2,3,4]. We describe three different sets of MD simulations which we carried out in order to examine CH3 dissociation from the diamond surface These included: (i) 160 000 non-equilibrium NVE trajectories in which the CH stretch of the surface methyl group was ‘plucked’ with the quantity of energy that would be available immediately following the H association step shown in scheme 1; (ii) thermal sampling along the –CH3 dissociation coordinate using the boxed molecular dynamics (BXD) method [23,24] in order to ascertain the free energy to dissociation and the corresponding thermal dissociation rate coefficient; and (iii) long NVE trajectories from which we backed out energy–energy correlation functions which we could use to fit the energy transfer parameters within our EGME model. We describe the EGME we formulated to model CH3 dissociation from the diamond surface, and show comparisons with the MD results

Ab initio calculations for methyl dissociation
Master equation model of non-equilibrium dissociation
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