
THE INTERNATIONAL YEAR of Chemistry will be a yearlong worldwide celebration in 2011, but ACS members don’t need to wait until then to communicate positive messages about chemistry and science. “This year, 2010, is an excellent time for members to try out some outreach activities,” says Nancy Blount, assistant director for society communications in the ACS Office of Public Affairs. “If they’ve never gotten involved in outreach before, this will give them an opportunity to test the waters. I think they’ll find out that it’s a lot easier than they might think it is, and it’s really rewarding and satisfying to make a contribution.” Blount points out that in addition to the familiar events that ACS members look forward to each year, such as Chemists Celebrate Earth Day and National Chemistry Week, several new volunteer opportunities are available this year, including National Lab Day and the USA Science & Engineering Festival. “For people who are ...

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