
Este artigo discute os conceitos fundamentais da psicologia vocacional do século xx e retoma os seus significados à luz das preocupações dos trabalhadores do século xix. Para integrar as mudanças impostas pela economia mundial, os psicólogos vocacionais e conselheiros de carreira, serão mais eficazes no apoio aos seus clientes se os prepararem para estar aptos a trabalhar (e a ter sucesso) em organizações que não se circunscrevem aos limites do mundo do trabalho tal como este era concebido no século transacto. Para tal, propõe-se que se suplementem os conceitos prevalecentes, sustentadas pelo positivismo lógico, com constructos pós-modernos baseados no construcionismo social.


  • Even if the hexagon was never used for interest assessment, it would remain a major contribution to vocational psychology because of its usefulness in teaching individuals how society organizes itself into macroenvironments such as occupations, college majors, and leisure activities

  • This article has re-viewed, from a social constructionist perspective, eight core concepts within the positivist tradition of vocational psychology. Rather than abandoning these traditional concepts, vocational psychology is better served by viewing their standard meaning as optional, not definitive

  • The re-view may open new pathways for the important work of vocational psychology and career counseling in their second hundred years of service to society

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View Holland’s RIASEC as a language

Career construction theory differs from career theories that consider language as representational. Language makes the self and shapes the social world. Holland’s theory serves clients by providing them with a concise vocabulary for describing both who they are and what they are looking for. This RIASEC vocabulary enables clients to be more efficient and effective in thinking about themselves and the work world as well as more articulate in communicating their thoughts to other people. The RIASEC language provides a vocabulary for self-construction. The RIASEC vocabulary is an invaluable resource for articulating accounts of occupations and work life This language prompts heuristic thinking about occupations. The RIASEC language provides a vocabulary for communicating ideas about self and work

View RIASEC vocational personality types as self-constructing types
View Holland’s Hexagon as a map
View interest inventories as measures of resemblance
View interest as a relationship
View career stages as a story
View occupations as a social activity
View career as a carrier of meaning
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