
To the Editor:— Dr. Leider pleads so eloquently in your August issue (p. 276) for precision in the use of dermatological terms that I cannot resist pointing out where he himself has nodded. Berlock is not an Anglicized error, but one recognized German form of the word, which goes back at least to Middle Low German (Lasch, A., and Borchling, C.: Mittelniederdeutsches Handworterbuch, Neumunster, Wachholtz, 1956) in various spellings, of which Berlocke is now the most common. As the disease was originally described, explained, and named by German writers, it seems perverse to insist on calling it berloque dermatitis. The first cases were reported in 1916 by Freund (Freund, E.: Uber bisher noch nicht beschriebene kunstliche Hautverfarbungen, Dermat. Wchnschr. 63:931-933, 1916), who showed that they were caused by sunlight, together with the oil of Bergamot in Eau de Cologne, and who reproduced the pigmentation experimentally and even tried to use

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