
The Moss molybdenite deposit, which was mined during both world wars, is hosted in late Grenvillian granitic pegmatite dikes. These dikes are locally aplitic, and intrude the late tectonic Onslow syenite (probably correlative with the ~1090–1070 Ma Kensington suite), which is in turn intrusive into the 1170–1155 Ma Chevreuil intrusive suite of southwestern Quebec. A Re-Os model age of 1053 ± 4 Ma (8.3 ppm Re) was obtained for molybdenite from a pegmatitic veinlet within an aplitic phase of the dike. A much younger Re-Os date of 860.9 ± 9.2 Ma (6.9 ppm Re) obtained previously from a pyrrhotite-and pyrite-rich metasomatic vein might reflect Os diffusion during slow cooling of the Grenville province, because this age is consistent with K-Ar dates reported from the region. Alternatively, the similarity between these younger dates may be fortuitous, and may instead relate to sampling issues for molybdenite. The Mo-rich granitic dikes at the Moss deposit are similar to other Mo-rich A-type pegmatite-aplite granitic dike systems that formed immediately after the peak of the Ottawan orogeny (1070–1090 Ma), and possibly are more closely related to the Kensington suite than previously thought.

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