
Cadastre is a method for registration of land ownership. Due to the major legal importance of marking parcel boundary points in the field, constant re-measuring, reinstating and marking of boundary points are required. In Israel this process is characterized by a predominant and continuous difficulty in the consistent renewal of boundary points due to the different measurement descriptions in the field notebooks, as well as the inhomogeneous measurements. This difficulty is increased due to the use of the "old" horizontal control network as the basis for the measurements, especially as the "old" network is inhomogeneous and is characterized by low accuracy.As the Survey of Israel (SOI) is preparing for a transfer into the age of analytical cadastre and is setting new measuring standards, and following the incorporation of the new Israeli ITM control network in 1995, this paper will attempt to suggest a new process of reinstating and marking parcel boundary points based on Real Time Kinematic GPS technology and using specially characterized "preferred points".The research was carried in two different areas in the north of Israel and examined six methods, comparing them to current methods employed by surveyors. The results point to the immense potential of the measurement methods based on RTK GPS technology and the solving of the measurements in a local network. The results also indicate that measurement methods that incorporate "preferred points" that existed in the field at the time of the original survey and still do, hold an increased potential for cadastral mapping. By using the proposed RTK GPS based methods and incorporating a local network solution, boundary points can be measured with an accuracy level of 10 cm at a 95% confidence level and with smaller standard deviation rates.

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