
Sillaginids possess similar taxonomic characters, which make the specific identification difficult, and many true species may be hidden in the synonymy of wide-ranging species. There are currently 36 valid species of sand whitings in the family Sillaginidae. Thirteen valid species are reported from Indian waters and six species are reported from the Arabian Sea. Investigations into the sillaginid diversity off the west coast of India revealed the presence of a species from the Arabian seawhich, on examination, proved to be very similar to the types of Sciaena malabarica. Based on conventional taxonomic analysis and DNA barcoding, we therefore raise Sillago malabarica (new combination) from the synonymy of S. sihama and re-describe it here. Distinctive characteristics of the species include XI-XII spines in the first dorsal fin; I, 21–24 rays in the 2nd dorsal fin; 3–4/7–8 gill rakers on 1st gill arch, Head length 25.2–30.4; Snout length 39.4%–46.8% HL; post-orbital length 34%–37.5% HL, 34 total vertebrae (abdominal: 13, haemal: 4 and caudal: 17); single sharp spine on the opercular edge; swim-bladder with eight or nine lateral processes extending from entire lateral surface of main body of swim bladder; golden silvery body, dorsal and anal fins hyaline, with yellow tips and the absence of a mid-lateral streak or dark bands. Apart from re described species S. malabarica, original S. sihama is also recorded from Indian waters, in our studies.

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