
Lectotypes are designated for Chelifer brevifemoratus, Chelifer communis, Chelifer crassimanus, Chelifer foliosus, Chelifer germainii, Chelifer robustus, Chelifer (Lamprochernes) cervus, Chelifer (Lamprochernes) ovatus; the species are re- described and their generic placement is discussed. Gomphochernes depressimanus (With, 1908) and Gomphochernes perproximus Beier, 1932 are considered as subjective junior synonyms of G. robustus. Chelifer ovatus is transferred to the genus Americhernes Muchmore (nov. comb.). Chelifer brevifemoratus is removed from synonymy of Lamprochernes savignyi (E. Simon) and transferred to the genus Parachernes (nov. comb.).

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