
Abstract The article illustrates the data geolocalisation procedure used within the project Linguistic variation in the Middle Ages as a system. Basics of a new scriptural description of the Gallo-Romance language area. It starts with some general reflections on linguistic cartography, and in particular a comparison of the characteristics and editing methods of a linguistic atlas representing modern dialect data and one representing medieval scripta data. Afterwards, we discuss the concrete challenges and perspectives within the project itself, which aims at a new carthographic representation of medieval Galloromania forty years after Anthonij Dees’ famous Atlas des formes et des constructions des chartes françaises du 13e siècle. The focus is placed on the localisation of the basic corpus, which consists in attributing more than 6,000 documents spread over the entire Gallo-Romance domain to a concrete geographical territory, but where the exact location of individual documents often poses problems that can be solved only by considering a number of criteria.

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