
Diffusion technique has been widely applied on the fabrication of self-assembled monolayer (SAM). By using a diffusive precursor allows material to distribute and to react on the surface of chips. Therefore, coupling reacting and diffusing together into an equation of Reaction-Diffusion (RD) may be essential to describe SAM growth mechanism on the chip surface. However, modeling the phenomenon of wavefront broadening which is induced by fluctuation (w~t(superscript β)) may require a complicate Renormalization Group (RG) theory. Moreover, there is inconsistency in terms of β value between RG theory prediction and experimental results. In this communication, therefore, we demonstrated a systematic method for finding the exact solutions of various types of RD equations. Various β values can be modeled by applying these solutions. Further more, the results may be applied to explain many real world’s phenomena such as bacterial or cell growth, etc.

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