
RCPL1 is a FORTRAN digital computer program designed and developed to prepare neutron and photon cross section libraries for the RCP01 Monte Carlo computer program for solving neutron and photon transport problems in three-dimensional geometry with detailed energy description. The neutron libraries prepared by RCPL1 contain detailed Doppler-broadened resonance cross sections from unresolved and either single-level or multilevel resonance parameters, for any number of nuclides, within an arbitrary energy structure, and the photon libraries contain tabulations of the interaction cross sections and gamma emission spectra. This report describes the various RCPL1 program options, calculational details, and input requirements. All data used for library construction are extracted from a multigroup cross section library system XAP, described in an appendix to the report, which contains Evaluated Nuclear Data File (ENDF) data. 5 figures, 6 tables.

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