
Samples from metamorphosed pillowed basalts and related Besshi-type deposits occurring in the Sanbagawa belt of the Shikoku Island, southwest Japan, have been analyzed for 87Sr/86Sr, 143Nd/144Nd and 40 K/40Ar. This is to investigate the tectonic settings in which the original submarine volcanism and associated Besshi-type mineralization occurred, as well as the age of metamorphism. Eight whole-rock samples of the pillow lavas metamorphosed in pumpellyite-actinolite facies conditions yield a Rb-Sr isochron age of 107 ± 15 Ma with an initial ratio of 0.70401 ± 0.00006, while they do not define a Sm-Nd isochron. We interpret the results as the metamorphic age, an interpretation consistent with the previously reported Rb-Sr whole-rock age for the Sanbagawa pelitic schists. The overall ranges of the initial epsilon values at T = 107 Ma are: ɛNd (T ) = +7.8 to +4.3; ɛSr(T ) = +2.2 to −7.0, suggesting that the most likely source for the pillowed basalts is depleted oceanic mantle, a conclusion supported by the previous Pb isotope studies. The K-Ar ages determined for twelve mineral separates from the Besshi-type deposits range from about 60 to 112 Ma, with a mean age of about 80 Ma, in agreement with the previous K-Ar and Ar-Ar data for the Sanbagawa pelitic and basic schists. The youngest age, 60 Ma, was obtained for sericite from the Hinooku deposit metamorphosed in pumpellyite- actinolite facies conditions, while the oldest one for hornblende from the spotted amphibolite in the immediate vicinity of the Shiragayama deposit metamorphosed in albite-biotite grade. The oldest age, 112 Ma, is interpreted to date the peak metamorphism, consistent with the Rb-Sr data, though a possibility of excess Ar cannot always be ruled out. In view of the closure temperatures of muscovite (350 °C) in the biotite zone, it is suggested that our K-Ar age data (<about 80 Ma) represent the age of the retrograde metamorphism or subsequent uplift. Datable microfossils found in the Sanbagawa belt of Shikoku suggest that the submarine basaltic volcanism and related Besshi-type mineralization occurred in an oceanic basin away from the trench region in Late Triassic (conodont) to Late Jurassic (radiolarian) times.

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