
The Rb–Sr and 147Sm–143Nd age data obtained for sheeted dolerite dykes and rocks of the Platinum Belt of the Urals within the Tagil segment of the paleoceanic spreading structure (Middle Urals) are discussed. The study of the Rb–Sr isotope systematics of gabbro allowed us to reveal errochronous dependencies, which yielded ages of 415 and 345 Ma at (87Sr/86Sr)0 = 0.70385 ± 0.00068 and 0.7029 ± 0.0010, correspondingly. The 147Sm–143Nd isotope age data demonstrate a specific coincidence of the chronometric ages of the sheeted dolerite dyke complex (426 ± 54, 426 ± 34, and 424 ± 19 Ma) and gabbro from the Revda gabbro–ultramafic massif (431 ± 27 Ma) and from screens between dolerite dykes in the sheeted dyke complex (427 ± 32 Ma, 429 ± 26 Ma). The proximity of the 147Sm–143Nd ages of gabbro and dolerite can be explained by the thermal effect of the basaltic melt, which is the protolith for the dyke complex, on the hosting gabbro.

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