
The Davis Lake complex (DLC), composed of biotite monzogranite, leucomonzogranite, and cassiterite–topaz greisen, hosts the East Kemptville tin mine in southwestern Nova Scotia. The DLC monzogranite contains glomeroporphyritic biotite with ilmenite and many rare-earth-element (REE) bearing accessory minerals, zircon-bearing quartz phenocrysts, and xenoliths of biotite granite. Primary muscovite is rare. Major- and trace-element geochemical trends indicate well-defined, but limited, magmatic differentiation trends. REE patterns of the least-evolved granites are flat and show a Ce/Yb ratio of 10.The DLC was previously considered cogenetic with the Devonian South Mountain batholith (SMB) on the basis of its location, lithologies, and similarities in major- and trace-element geochemistry. However, new Rb–Sr whole-rock isotopic data indicate an Rb–Sr date of 330 ± 7 Ma (mean square of weighted deviates (MSWD) = 2.8) for the DLC, implying that it is at least 35 Ma younger than the SMB. The initial 87Sr/86Sr ratio of 0.727 ± 0.004 is significantly higher than those for other Meguma Terrane granites and is the highest yet reported from Appalachian granitoid rocks. Rb–Sr data from biotite indicate open-system behaviour between 260 and 240 Ma and provide more evidence for previously documented tectonothermal events after 300 Ma in the Meguma Terrane.The peraluminous nature of the DLC, its high Rb/Sr and high 87Sr/86Sr ratios, high P, F, and Sn contents, low Ca and B contents, and high differentiation indices indicate that the complex was derived from a highly evolved felsic source. Geochemical distinctions indicate that the DLC is neither derived from nor cogenetic with the SMB. A more probable source for the DLC magma is a dehydrated felsic granulite from which a previous H2O-, B-, Cl-, and Zn-rich granitic magma (perhaps the SMB) had been extracted. Such a source is analogous to that postulated for A-type granites and topaz rhyolites.The DLC shows more similarities to the "stitching" Carboniferous Appalachian volatile- and metal-rich granites than to Devonian Meguma granites. Unlike most of these Appalachian plutons, which occur marginal to terrane boundaries and were probably crystallized from locally generated, anatectic magmas, the DLC was emplaced in the centre of the most-outboard Meguma Terrane, adjacent to the Tobiatic shear zone.

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