
The Internet of Things (IoT) is considered as the next generation of science revolution. Conceptually, it is possible to enable Internet connectivity to anything such as cloths, TVs, machines, cars, …, etc. IoT is a futuristic application of Wireless Sensor Network (WSN). The main characteristic of WSNs is that it is an ad-hoc network for enabling the communication of humans with the surrounding physical environment. On the other hand, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is considered the replacement technology for the traditional identification techniques such as barcode systems. One of the challenging research areas is the integration of both IoT and RFID technologies together such that it will be possible to have the advantages of both of worlds. This chapter discusses how does the unique characteristics of our RBS lightweight cryptosystem makes it a strong candidate of RFID security in IoT applications. The chapter then explains how to integrate IoT systems with the RFID technology and the pros and cons of such integration from security point of view.

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