
In southern Thailand, the Khlong Marui shear zone is dominated by a NNE–SSW striking high topographic lozenge shaped area of ca. 40km long and 6km wide between the Khlong Marui Fault and the Bang Kram Fault. The geology within this strike-slip zone consists of strongly deformed layers of mylonitic meta-sedimentary rocks associated with orthogneisses, mylonitic granites, and pegmatitic veins with a steeply dipping foliation. The strike-slip deformation is characterized by dextral ductile deformation under amphibolite facies and low to medium greenschist facies. In situ U–Pb ages of inherited zircon cores from all zircons in the Khlong Marui shear zone indicate that they have the same material from the Archean. Late Triassic to Late Cretaceous ages obtained for zircon outer cores of the mylonitic granite are probably related to a period of magmatic activity that was significantly influenced by the West Burma and Shan-Thai collision and the subduction along the Sunda Trench. The early dextral ductile deformation phase of the Khlong Marui shear zone in the Early Eocene suggested by U–Pb ages of zircon rims, and the later dextral transpressional deformation in the Late Eocene indicated by mica Rb–Sr ages. Rb–Sr, Sm–Nd, and U–Pb dating correlation implies that the major exhumation period of the ductile lens was in the Eocene. This period was tectonically influenced in the SE Asia region by the early India-Asia collision.

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