
ABSTRACT: In this article we focus on the possible use of foods to alleviate Raynaud’s phenomenon (RP). RP isevoked, pr edominately, by cold and r esults in a potent v ascular constr iction of the micr ovascular blood v essels inthe hands , thus leading to r educed hand blood flo w and the elev ation of pain sensation. To alleviate RP b y diet, foodcomponents need to be able to pr omote hand skin blood flo w, which may be achiev ed using fish oil, garlic, ginkgobiloba, L-carnitine, or inositol nicotinate, or to increase hand skin temperature, using evening primrose oil, ginkgobiloba, or inositol nicotinate. Although there are a number of studies documenting such improvements with theseingredients, they often are poorly designed. Hence, there is a need for more controlled studies to substantiate theiruse, but also to test alternative foods or target new ones. Therefore, we also discuss some alternate food options andbriefly outline clinical dr ugs for the tr eatment of RP , as their mechanisms of action may also be possible tar gets forfood. It is the intention of this article to address the research needs of this field and to provide a better understandingof alternative options for those with RP.Keywords: Raynaud’s, vascular constriction, dietary intervention, nutraceutical, functional foods

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