
AbstractIn comparison with the conventional radar altimeter, synthetic aperture radar altimeter (SRAL) is developed with better along‐track spatial resolution and height precision. When SRAL improves the performance of height measurement, it also complicates the radar system designing, signal processing, data analyzing, and system testing. The SRAL raw signal is the result of the interaction between the transmitted signal and the complex terrain surfaces. Generally, the SRAL is used in ocean applications since the PDF can be derived from different ocean surfaces. However, the actual acquired SRAL waveforms can be from complex and variable surface, which may include mountains, cities, forests, lakes, and other types of terrain surfaces. These waveforms contain information about the surfaces of the Earth although difficult to analyze. This paper focuses on the study of the raw signal simulation of SRAL for complex terrain surfaces including land surfaces. The principle of radar altimeter, the electromagnetic characteristics of land targets, and the SRAL signal processing are analyzed. The geometric models are extracted from digital elevation model, and the scattering characteristics of the terrain surface are established with three scattering models. Finally, three cases of terrain surfaces, namely, ice surface, mountain area, and urban area, are simulated and validated against actual SRAL signals measured by the Sentinel‐3 SRAL sensor.

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