
The article considers the existing, actual raw material base of hydrocarbon raw materials of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Brief information is given on the number of discovered oil and gas fields, their distribution in the oil and gas regions of the republic, according to the degree of development, the type of fluids and the size of the reserves. Share participation of initial total resources in the context of oil and gas bearing regions is shown. Information is presented on the results of exploration work of two time periods - before 1991 and from 1991 to the present, where the growth rates of reserves of industrial categories for the first and second stages and the distribution of cumulative oil and gas production are considered. From the above data, it can be seen that the main increase in hydrocarbon reserves in the Republic of Uzbekistan was due to the discovery of unique and large fields in terms of hydrocarbon reserves. Based on the results of the analysis of the actual material, a con-clusion was made, indicating the high potential of the subsoil of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the feasibility of conducting exploration work in the long term, given the presence of significant forecast hydrocarbon resources. Keywords: field; oil; gas; hydrocarbons; reserves; oil and gas potential; initial total resources.

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