
This dataset consists of the images of Codex Zacynthius (Cambridge, University Library, MS Add. 10062) captured using multi-spectral and x-ray photography in July 2018. The images were taken by the Early Manuscripts Electronic Library (EMEL), working on behalf of the Codex Zacynthius Project, funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council. There are 51 images for each page. Details of the settings of each image (wavelength etc.) are provided in the filenames. One folder of all the images is provided for each folio of the manuscript (as detailed in the folder name). The downloadable assets are zip files containing 20 such folders each with names indicating page coverage. The camera was a MegaVision E7, with an Apo-Digitar M26 lens. Each JPEG image is approximately 0.5MB in size. These images have also been archived in TIFF format in the University of Birmingham Research Data Store (approximately 100MB per image). To obtain a copy of these, please contact research-data@contacts.bham.ac.uk quoting the project folder reference 2018/houghtha-codex-zacynthius. The processed images of the palimpsest manuscript are available in the electronic edition at https://cudl.lib.cam.ac.uk/view/MS-ADD-10062-UNDERTEXT/1

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