
The reasons of low quality and changes of the diet are analyzed, the nutritional value of bakery products and the use of non-traditional sources in new developments of high value technologies are considered. The general scheme of bakery products production technology is given, where the parameters of the kneading process and the connection between the factors influencing the complex system of dough formation and the characteristics of the finished product are revealed.Ways of using germinated flax seeds in recipes based on wheat and rye-wheat bread with preservation of high organoleptic characteristics are proposed and selected. The analysis and the ways of regulation of structural and mechanical properties of dough on the basis of factors of influence are given: – usage of thick rye leaven and first-class flour 30:70 and supreme quality wheat flour with addition of germinated flaxseed (15% of the mass of wheat flour); – usage of thick rye leaven and first-class flour 50:50 with addition of germinated flaxseed (10% of the mass of wheat flour); – the usage of thick rye leaven and first-class flour 50:50 with addition of 20% of germinated flaxseed and also adding supreme quality wheat flour (15% of the mass of wheat flour). The even distribution of GFS in flour due to efficient mixing in determining the nature of the process is considered. Influential parameters were chosen: duration of mixing and non-variable factor – frequency of revolutions of the working body of the mixer. The quality of mixing of the mixture based on the key component – GFS – was evaluated. The quality of mixing was determined by the coefficient of variation of the key component of the mixture, i.e. GFS. Mixing curves are constructed – dependence of the coefficient of variation on the duration of mixing and the optimal mixing time is determined, which corresponds to the first minimum value of the coefficient of variation of the mixing curve. Three stages of kneading are distinguished: I (0…60 s) – zone of intensive mixing; ІІ (60…120 s) – zone of slow mixing and ІІІ (120…180 с) – zone of segregation. The recommendations to be followed for effective mixing of flour with GFS in production conditions are given.

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